The 21 Series: Trump’s Bravado Is Dangerous
(1/28/2019 emailed 21 Republican Senators up for re-election in 2020)
Trump’s bravado is dangerous. Let me remind you in a televised Oval Office meeting with Pelosi and Schumer in December, Trump said should the Democrats not fund his wall, “I will be the one to shut it [the government] down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”
There is no escape from those words for him or you. Polls overwhelmingly signaled the public blamed Trump, not the Democrats, for the pain caused by the shutdown. Hardship stories of government employees working without pay, slowdowns at airports, degradation of iconic national parks and a lack of empathy from the Trump administration pushed the public to blame the president and the GOP.
Trump failed to secure any money for the border wall, and as in past shutdowns, the party perceived to be on the right side of public opinion faced little pressure to concede anything at the bargaining table.
One day after the shutdown ends Trump threatens that if Congress does not give him money for his wall by 2/15, he’ll declare a national emergency and build the wall without legislative authority. Such a move would likely end up in the courts or be delayed by foot-dragging as the military or Army Corps of Engineers looks for funds they can divert for a wall.
WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT WILL DO TO YOUR POLL NUMBERS? If the government shuts down again, you and all Republicans will be assigned massive blame. Your chances of returning to office — rightly so — grow dimmer each day. The resistance rejoices!